


南フランスで立ち寄った絶景の村や町  Page.2

Le Rocher, Ongles

プロヴァンス・アルプ・コート・ダジュール地方  Page.2

vol.4 ピュイミシェル


作品プロフィール:各戸の扉がカラフルで美しい op.15132、8/12,2019


Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France


作品プロフィール:カラフルな窓枠 op.15126、8/12,2019

Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Puimichel, a small but beautiful village in the south of France

アクセス(Google Mapへのリンク)

vol.5 ル・カステレ


作品プロフィール:ル・カステレ村 op.15596、8/12,2019


Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Le Castellet, a small but beautiful village in the south of France

アクセス(Google Mapへのリンク)

vol.6 フォルカルキエ

Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere


作品プロフィール: フォルカルキエ op.15601、8/12,2019


Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere
Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere
Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere
Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere


作品プロフィール: 中世の面影残るフォルカルキエ op.15602、8/12,2019

Forcalquier, which retains its medieval atmosphere

アクセス(Google Mapへのリンク)

vol.7  オングル

Le Rocher, Ongles


作品プロフィール:ル・ロシェ・ドングル、 op.15135、8/12,2019


Le Rocher, Ongles
Le Rocher, Ongles
Le Rocher, Ongles

アクセス(Google Mapへのリンク)

vol.8  バノン

Banon、a small but beautiful village in the south of France


作品プロフィール:バノン 、 op.15138、8/12,2019


Banon、a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Banon、a small but beautiful village in the south of France
Banon、a small but beautiful village in the south of France

アクセス(Google Mapへのリンク)